We will help you find the best solutions
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Ever wanted to twirl a lasso? Well, now you have the opportunity.
Make sure the cap is on tight, and then tape a piece of string to the bottom of the marker and swing it around like a lasso.
But make sure you have enough space around you to do it safely…
Centrifugal force will drive whatever ink is left to the tip of the marker. The number of swings you need depends on how dry the marker is.
Tip 3. Focus on the tip
Obviously, the tip is the contact point between the ink and the glassboard. What is not so obvious is that making changes to the tip can prolong the life of the marker significantly.
Sometimes the end of the tip becomes dried out – and the simple way to fix this is to get a pair of sharp scissors and carefully snip off the end to expose fresh ink.
Another idea is to dip the tip in rubbing alcohol or nail polish. Just cover the marker and briefly store bottom down to let the solvent soak into the tip before using.
Sometimes even dipping the tip in very hot water works. Each of these methods has had success, with the most effective solution depending on the brand of marker.
Tip 4. It’s not just the marker you need to think about…
This is an example of a call we got recently. It went something like this…
‘Look, I just bought some new markers from you, and they don’t work properly. They’re BRAND NEW.’ How is that possible? I’m very disappointed with this situation. What can you do to help me?’
The first question we always ask in this kind of case is, ‘Have you been using whiteboard cleaner fluid?’
The response is invariably, ‘Yes, we have.’
The problem with using this cleaner fluid is that it can leave a film over the glass, which means that the marker can’t make proper contact with the glass.
Instead of using this fluid, all you need is water or a glass cleaner like Ajax or Windex.
Tip 5. Your solution
The four tips listed above is the information we give our clients when asked. However, if you come up with your own solution to reviving dry erase glassboard markers, just send us an email or give us a call.
We’d love to hear from you!
Why choose JustBoards markers?
JustBoards will help you find the best solutions. We offer Australia wide delivery to your door. Contact us today on 1800 654 917 or at info@justboards.com.au.
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This is our promise.
We proudly offer FREE Ground Floor Delivery to BRISBANE, SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, ADELAIDE, PERTH, HOBART, DARWIN, CANBERRA and many other surrounding metro areas.
Learn moreQuality whiteboards have to be durable, non porous and magnetic, not just white boards.
Porcelain whiteboards are the best choice for heavy duty users such as schools & universities. Porcelain Whiteboards featured a baked enamel surface and have a 25 year surface warranty.
Commercial (acrylic) whiteboards are more economical, for less intense use and are guaranteed with an 8 year warranty
Confidently buy WhiteBoards, Glass Boards, Notice Boards & Educational Products from JustBoards, an Australian owned and operated company providing exceptional service and delivery of quality Educational and Hospitality Products.
The JustBoards team are committed to friendly & efficient service and are always on hand to provide advice via phone call or email.
Based in Brisbane, we deliver Australia Wide with FREE Ground Floor Delivery for all orders over $150 delivered within a Capital City Metro Area and selected surrounding suburbs including the Sunshine Coast & Gold Coast.
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